Orphan Tables
Reports full PostGIS version and build configuration infos.
DECLARE libver text; librev text; projver text; geosver text; sfcgalver text; gdalver text := NULL; libxmlver text; liblwgeomver text; dbproc text; relproc text; fullver text; rast_lib_ver text := NULL; rast_scr_ver text := NULL; topo_scr_ver text := NULL; json_lib_ver text; protobuf_lib_ver text; wagyu_lib_ver text; sfcgal_lib_ver text; sfcgal_scr_ver text; pgsql_scr_ver text; pgsql_ver text; core_is_extension bool; BEGIN SELECT public.postgis_lib_version() INTO libver; SELECT public.postgis_proj_version() INTO projver; SELECT public.postgis_geos_version() INTO geosver; SELECT public.postgis_libjson_version() INTO json_lib_ver; SELECT public.postgis_libprotobuf_version() INTO protobuf_lib_ver; SELECT public.postgis_wagyu_version() INTO wagyu_lib_ver; SELECT public._postgis_scripts_pgsql_version() INTO pgsql_scr_ver; SELECT public._postgis_pgsql_version() INTO pgsql_ver; BEGIN SELECT public.postgis_gdal_version() INTO gdalver; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN RAISE DEBUG 'Function postgis_gdal_version() not found. Is raster support enabled and rtpostgis.sql installed?'; END; BEGIN SELECT public.postgis_sfcgal_full_version() INTO sfcgalver; BEGIN SELECT public.postgis_sfcgal_scripts_installed() INTO sfcgal_scr_ver; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN sfcgal_scr_ver := 'missing'; END; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN RAISE DEBUG 'Function postgis_sfcgal_scripts_installed() not found. Is sfcgal support enabled and sfcgal.sql installed?'; END; SELECT public.postgis_liblwgeom_version() INTO liblwgeomver; SELECT public.postgis_libxml_version() INTO libxmlver; SELECT public.postgis_scripts_installed() INTO dbproc; SELECT public.postgis_scripts_released() INTO relproc; SELECT public.postgis_lib_revision() INTO librev; BEGIN SELECT topology.postgis_topology_scripts_installed() INTO topo_scr_ver; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function OR invalid_schema_name THEN RAISE DEBUG 'Function postgis_topology_scripts_installed() not found. Is topology support enabled and topology.sql installed?'; WHEN insufficient_privilege THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Topology support cannot be inspected. Is current user granted USAGE on schema "topology" ?'; WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Function postgis_topology_scripts_installed() could not be called: % (%)', SQLERRM, SQLSTATE; END; BEGIN SELECT postgis_raster_scripts_installed() INTO rast_scr_ver; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN RAISE DEBUG 'Function postgis_raster_scripts_installed() not found. Is raster support enabled and rtpostgis.sql installed?'; WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Function postgis_raster_scripts_installed() could not be called: % (%)', SQLERRM, SQLSTATE; END; BEGIN SELECT public.postgis_raster_lib_version() INTO rast_lib_ver; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN RAISE DEBUG 'Function postgis_raster_lib_version() not found. Is raster support enabled and rtpostgis.sql installed?'; WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Function postgis_raster_lib_version() could not be called: % (%)', SQLERRM, SQLSTATE; END; fullver = 'POSTGIS="' || libver; IF librev IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' ' || librev; END IF; fullver = fullver || '"'; IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension WHERE extname = 'postgis') THEN fullver = fullver || ' [EXTENSION]'; core_is_extension := true; ELSE core_is_extension := false; END IF; IF liblwgeomver != relproc THEN fullver = fullver || ' (liblwgeom version mismatch: "' || liblwgeomver || '")'; END IF; fullver = fullver || ' PGSQL="' || pgsql_scr_ver || '"'; IF pgsql_scr_ver != pgsql_ver THEN fullver = fullver || ' (procs need upgrade for use with PostgreSQL "' || pgsql_ver || '")'; END IF; IF geosver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' GEOS="' || geosver || '"'; END IF; IF sfcgalver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' SFCGAL="' || sfcgalver || '"'; END IF; IF projver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' PROJ="' || projver || '"'; END IF; IF gdalver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' GDAL="' || gdalver || '"'; END IF; IF libxmlver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' LIBXML="' || libxmlver || '"'; END IF; IF json_lib_ver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' LIBJSON="' || json_lib_ver || '"'; END IF; IF protobuf_lib_ver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' LIBPROTOBUF="' || protobuf_lib_ver || '"'; END IF; IF wagyu_lib_ver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' WAGYU="' || wagyu_lib_ver || '"'; END IF; IF dbproc != relproc THEN fullver = fullver || ' (core procs from "' || dbproc || '" need upgrade)'; END IF; IF topo_scr_ver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' TOPOLOGY'; IF topo_scr_ver != relproc THEN fullver = fullver || ' (topology procs from "' || topo_scr_ver || '" need upgrade)'; END IF; IF core_is_extension AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension WHERE extname = 'postgis_topology') THEN fullver = fullver || ' [UNPACKAGED!]'; END IF; END IF; IF rast_lib_ver IS NOT NULL THEN fullver = fullver || ' RASTER'; IF rast_lib_ver != relproc THEN fullver = fullver || ' (raster lib from "' || rast_lib_ver || '" need upgrade)'; END IF; IF core_is_extension AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension WHERE extname = 'postgis_raster') THEN fullver = fullver || ' [UNPACKAGED!]'; END IF; END IF; IF rast_scr_ver IS NOT NULL AND rast_scr_ver != relproc THEN fullver = fullver || ' (raster procs from "' || rast_scr_ver || '" need upgrade)'; END IF; IF sfcgal_scr_ver IS NOT NULL AND sfcgal_scr_ver != relproc THEN fullver = fullver || ' (sfcgal procs from "' || sfcgal_scr_ver || '" need upgrade)'; END IF; -- Check for the presence of deprecated functions IF EXISTS ( SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname LIKE '%_deprecated_by_postgis_%' ) THEN fullver = fullver || ' (deprecated functions exist, upgrade is not complete)'; END IF; RETURN fullver; END