
1 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id uuid 2147483647 gen_random_uuid()
jobs_tasks.job_id FK_jobs_tasks_jobs_job_id C

Unique identifier.

tenant_id uuid 2147483647 null FK_jobs_tenants_tenant_id C

Tenant identifier.

name varchar 256 null
type int4 10 0

Type of the job. Options: 0 - Manual (Default, manual run only), 1 - Automatic (Run automatically based on schedule, if no schedule is supplied - run once on server start), 2 - Disabled.

status int4 10 0

Status of the last job run. Options: 0 - Stopped (Default), 1 - Running, 2 - Paused.

result int4 10 0

Result of the last job run. Options: 0 - None (Default, Job was never run), 1 - Pending (Job is executing but no result was yielded yet), 2 - Succeeded (Job succeeded when all of its Tasks succeeded), 3 - Failed (Job failed when any of its Tasks failed). Reset to None on each run.

started_at timestamptz 35,6 null

DateTime job was last run. Reset to DateTime.Now on each run.

started_by uuid 2147483647 null

User who last run the job. Null if System, reset on each run.

duration int4 10 null

Last job duration in milliseconds. Reset to null on each run.

schedule text 2147483647 null

CRON scheduler notation, i.e. “0/5 * * * * ?”.

created_at timestamptz 35,6 now()

DateTime the record was created.

created_by uuid 2147483647 null

User who create the record. Null if System.

updated_at timestamptz 35,6 null

DateTime the record was last updated.

updated_by uuid 2147483647 null

User who last updated the record.

is_system bool 1 false

A system-generated record. Default = false

description text 2147483647 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PK_jobs Primary key Asc id
IX_jobs_created_at Performance Asc created_at
IX_jobs_id Must be unique Asc id
IX_jobs_is_system Performance Asc is_system
IX_jobs_name Performance Asc name
IX_jobs_result Performance Asc result
IX_jobs_started_at Performance Asc started_at
IX_jobs_status Performance Asc status
IX_jobs_tenant_id Performance Asc tenant_id
IX_jobs_type Performance Asc type
