Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | |||
id | uuid | 2147483647 | gen_random_uuid() |
tenant_id | uuid | 2147483647 | null |
role_id | uuid | 2147483647 | null |
component_id | uuid | 2147483647 | null |
permissions | int4 | 10 | 0 |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
PK_roles_components | Primary key | Asc | id |
IX_roles_components_id | Must be unique | Asc | id |
IX_roles_components_role_id_component_id | Must be unique | Asc/Asc | role_id + component_id |
IX_roles_components_tenant_id | Performance | Asc | tenant_id |