
60862 rows


Sms KPI machines cycles per day.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
day_id int4 10 null

Day identifier.

tenant_id uuid 2147483647 null FK_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_tenants_tenant_id C

Tenant identifier.

site_id uuid 2147483647 null

Sms site identifier.

site_name text 2147483647 null

Sms site name.

shift_id uuid 2147483647 null

Sms shift identifier.

shift_name text 2147483647 null

Sms shift name.

cycle_day_id int4 10 null

Serial cycle ID by day per dumper.

cycle_date_start timestamptz 35,6 null

UTC date/time of cycle start.

cycle_hour_start int4 10 null

Local hour of cycle start.

cycle_time int4 10 null

Total cycle time.

dumper_id uuid 2147483647 null

Dumper machine identifier.

dumper_type_id int4 10 null

Dumper machine type identifier.

dumper_type text 2147483647 null

Dumper machine type name.

dumper_name text 2147483647 null

Dumper machine name.

loader_id uuid 2147483647 null

Loader machine identifier.

loader_type_id int4 10 null

Loader machine type identifier.

loader_type text 2147483647 null

Loader machine type name.

loader_name text 2147483647 null

Loader machine name.

zone_loading_id uuid 2147483647 null

Loading fixed zone identifier.

zone_loading_name text 2147483647 null

Loading fixed zone name.

zone_dumping_id uuid 2147483647 null

Dumping fixed zone identifier.

zone_dumping_name text 2147483647 null

Dumping fixed zone name.

dumper_distance int4 10 null

Total distance dumper machine travelled (in m).

dumper_distance_empty int4 10 null

Distance dumper machine travelled empty (in m).

dumper_distance_loaded int4 10 null

Distance dumper machine travelled loaded (in m).

dumper_time_operating int4 10 null

Total dumper operating time (in sec.).

dumper_time_travelling_empty int4 10 null

Time dumper machine travelled empty (in sec.).

dumper_time_travelling_loaded int4 10 null

Time dumper machine travelled loaded (in sec.).

dumper_time_waiting_empty int4 10 null

Time dumper machine waiting empty on track (in sec.).

dumper_time_waiting_loaded int4 10 null

Time dumper machine waiting loaded on track (in sec.).

dumper_time_engine_off int4 10 null

Time dumper machine while engine was off (in sec.).

dumper_time_loading int4 10 null

Time dumper machine spent loading (in sec.).

dumper_time_dumping int4 10 null

Time dumper machine spent dumping (in sec.).

dumper_time_waiting_loading int4 10 null

Time dumper machine waiting for loading (in sec.).

dumper_time_waiting_dumping int4 10 null

Time dumper machine waiting for dumping (in sec.).

dumper_volume_theoretical float8 17,17 null

Theoretical volume of machine’s dumpster (in m3).

dumper_operation_loader_unknown bool 1 null

True if false loading, False otherwise.

created_at timestamptz 35,6 now()

DateTime the record was created.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_created_at Performance Asc created_at
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_cycle_date_start Performance Asc cycle_date_start
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_day_id Performance Asc day_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_day_id_tenant_id_site_id_dumper_id_~ Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc day_id + tenant_id + site_id + dumper_id + cycle_day_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_dumper_id Performance Asc dumper_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_dumper_name Performance Asc dumper_name
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_dumper_type Performance Asc dumper_type
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_dumper_type_id Performance Asc dumper_type_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_loader_id Performance Asc loader_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_loader_name Performance Asc loader_name
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_loader_type Performance Asc loader_type
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_loader_type_id Performance Asc loader_type_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_site_id Performance Asc site_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_tenant_id Performance Asc tenant_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_zone_dumping_id Performance Asc zone_dumping_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_zone_dumping_name Performance Asc zone_dumping_name
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_zone_loading_id Performance Asc zone_loading_id
IX_sms_kpi_machines_cycles_zone_loading_name Performance Asc zone_loading_name
